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Christmas spirit.......

What is that?? 

So, I'm unable to connect to the wifi at home, or anywhere for that matter. So I shall rant.

 Who doesn't love Christmas? Most of the people I know do. Some more than others. My sweet daughter-in-law Elizabeth was listening to Christmas music when I was October. I have no problem with that. It makes her happy, go for it.

I was raised in the Episcopal Church. I loved it. Advent and Christmas was my favorite time of year. I don't know if it was the prayers, the hymns or the amazing Father White.  It was very a special treat to go to midnight Mass and sing the harmony to all the hymns with my sister. Sometimes my brother would be there too. He had the best baritone voice. It was truly magical.

The off we went to our home. My dad always had eggnog with Puerto Rican Rum in it. It was the best. We put stockings up and went to bed. Even when I was in College. We still do for my kids and grand kids. 

Christmas morning we would awaken to the smell of my Dad's special stuffing. Nothing is better. 

I have been blessed with awesome parents. \

So here's my rant: What the Hell is wrong with saying Merry Christmas?  I've done it my whole life. 
The way I've said the Pledge of Allegiance with "One nation under God" or "The Little Drummer Boy"n in Mrs. Chases' 1st grade class complete with a cross and a baby Jesus. How about having a Christmas party in school. It was fun. No one was offended. It wasn't until I was probably 3 years old or more that people started saying "African American."  Why does it matter what race or religion you are? Or what color? You don't have to find offence in everything that you don't agree with. Why did they take the "Indian Red" crayola out of the box? Because it was offensive to the Indians. Wait Native Americans. I'm white. Why haven't they removed white and black from the Crayola box? I'm not offended. 

Here's some info about Indian Red.

 Indian red is a pigment composed of naturally occurring iron oxides that is widely used in India. Other shades of iron oxides include Venetian RedEnglish Red, and Kobe, all shown below.

I guess it's a good thing there isn't Venetian Red or English Red in the Crayola box. There would certainly
be Hell to pay. Or Kobe for that matter. Those poor Japanese people. 

I went to a High School where the mascot was an image of Chief Moses. At one point there was tak of doing away with it. Why? The depiction is stunning. Looked just like the pictures I have seen of Chief Moses. 

Be kind to one another this season. I don't care who you worship, what color skin you have or your nationality. Share what ever spirit you follow with others.

One last thing. That ridiculous brew ha ha about "Black Lives Matter." All lies matter. If you think only Black lives matter, your are delusional.

Merry Christmas to all (That's what I say. Always have, always will.) 

Thanks for stopping by.

Lee (Not White. I'm actually English-Irish-Scottish-German American.)


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