Being almost 56 years old, I have lived through many things.Some when I was young eg. The Sharon Tate/Tony Lo Bianco murders, the Viet Nam War, the Moon landing and I saw first man walk on the Moon. I watched the News during the Hostage Crisis in Iran. I watched the Shuttle Challenger burst into flames on live TV. I listened to the radio during Desert Storm. I watched the footage of the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers. I'm not bragging. I just stating facts.
I am appalled at the behavior of people I have seen on TV about the Inauguration. This isn't some Third World Country. This is America. Donald Trump is the President of the United States. Like it or not, that's how Democracy works. Majority rules. From the pictures I have seen recently, there is so much hate. I can not believe that people actually act this way. Over a President. I didn't vote for Bush, Clinton or Obama. I was disappointed, angry, frustrated. I didn't send my kids to stand in front of the White House with signs that say "Fuck Trump." What the Hell? Get over it people. Majority rules. What would they be doing if they were all arrested? Who is watching those kids while their parents are in jail? It's like a snowball.. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Violence begets violence. Stop, Stop, STOP!!!!!
Try to think about what you are teaching your children.
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